One of the most asked questions here at Bunny’s Buddies is, how can I get involved? We are so very grateful so many people want to help so we figured we would make a blog post on ways people just like you can help our cause!
The absolute best way to help not only us but these dogs is to adopt. By opening your home to a dog in need, it is one less dog in the shelter, streets or slaughterhouses. Many people think they have to be 100% ready for a dog but the reality is, these dogs are so grateful for whatever love you have to give them. While, yes, you should be fully ready to commit to a pup in need, even if your home is not perfectly prepared for a dog, it’s very easy to get things together and change one’s life as long as your heart is in the right place and as long as you simply want to restore one’s life. If you would like to adopt, please apply here.
We currently adopt to anyone in the USA and Canada, however, once the dog lands to one of our airports, all adopters must pick their dog up and arrange any additional transportation on their own. International travel to cities all over the World is very time consuming and problematic so we are unable to assist in any additional arrangements but welcome those motivated to plan them. Most people fly in and then rent a large SUV and road trip home. This is a great way to get a pup and bond with them as well. All of our dogs come with their Rabies certifications so they can easily enter Canada. All travel plans must be approved before adoption.
All of our dogs come spayed, neutered, vaccinated and with any major surgeries they needed at the time of rescue which means saving one dog, alone, can cost us up to $7,000. Meanwhile, we are only charging $850 to adopt so to reduce that debt we rely heavily on donations! The only way to continue saving and medically treating these dogs is with donations.
The best way to donate is to sign up to be a monthly donor, that way you set the budget you are comfortable with and never forget. We are an official 501(c)(3) which means your donations are all tax

While fostering is our last resort, there are some instances in which we need emergency help getting a dog to the USA and are unable to find a home fast enough. In this instance, having emergency fosters ready is key! For fostering, you must be able to keep the dog safe as long as we need. This can be anywhere from 1 week to 3 months. If you can only commit to a short term foster, it will not work as we need to know we have the time needed to find the dog it’s
Fosters must be able to pick the dog up from LAX, ORD, JFK, SFO or SEA and take them to the vet within 24-hours. In foster situations, we cover all of the dog’s vetting and care costs, although most foster homes provide food and care as their “contribution” to the cause. We are able to provide food if not able to. Being a foster, your main goal is to keep a pup safe until his final destination is found. If this sounds like you, please apply here.

For those that may not be able to donate a ton, many of our supporters will host their own fundraisers! Some past examples have been lemonade stands by children, selling used clothing, hosting bake sales, partnering with local restaurants or businesses, contacting friends with businesses asking to host a fundraiser with them or using platforms like Facebook or Instagram to ask your friends support our mission! Start your very own Facebook fundraiser here!
Amazon Smile-
Amazon is another great way to support our cause that requires just one minute of your time to set up! Simply visit Amazon Smile and select Bunny’s Buddies in San Diego as your charity of choice. While it is a small % that is donated, it really does add up and we are so grateful to announce we have raised about $1,000 using this method so far.
To get the proper credit, just remember you must go to for every purchase. This charges you nothing additionally it simply is how it keeps track. Encourage your family and friends set this up also
We also have an Amazon wishlist you can buy items from here.

Flight Volunteer-
In order to get dogs to the USA, we rely on people already traveling to bring them over to us. If you know of groups that are always traveling please share our mission with them! Keep an eye out for friends flying from Asia over to the USA also! We can only use Asian airlines as American airlines do not allow dogs to fly out of China. Some of the best airlines to use are Eva Air, Korean Air, Asiana Air, Cathay Pacific for small dogs only, and Hong Kong Air. Flights must be direct as dogs cannot sit in the crates for layovers.
We also need volunteers to go to China specifically to pick up dogs and bring them home. When we send someone over, we cover their flight and hotel for one night and you can bring 5 dogs back to safety. Flights must be out of LAX, JFK, ORD, SEA or SFO as those are the direct flight paths we can use. We do not cover travel to those airports so you would have to be able to get to one on your own. The trip can be done in about 2 days but needs to be planned for about 2 months in advance. It is also a grueling flight, about 15 hours each way so someone that can sleep on the plane is ideal. Many things can also go wrong so our volunteers have to be 110% in and down to do whatever is needed to get the pups home safely.
If this sounds like you, and you have some free time to fly to China, please email us today! Serious inquiries only. [email protected]

Spread the Word-
Everyone knows someone that loves dogs, wherever you are at, keep an eye out for those that love dogs as it is a chance to share our mission with them! Anytime I see someone with a dog, I always ask to pet the dog and tell the owner how much I love dogs and how I actually just saved one from China that was going to be used for food. It’s so easy to compliment their pet and to let them know how much you love dogs and how you came across our mission if they want to learn more! You can share our Instagram @bunnysbuddies with them or our website, you never know who’s mind or doors it will open!
By sharing our posts and tagging your friends in our photos, you just might help us find a pup a home so keep on
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