Bunny’s Buddies Travel

One thing we get a lot of push back on is the Bunny’s Buddies Travel requirements but, this is totally out of our hands so, we wanted to talk a bit more about that today for those that may

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What is a Rescue Mindset?

Here at Bunny’s Buddies, we do things a lot differently than most other rescues, but all for good reason. While our adoption methods may be confusing, uncomfortable, unconventional or frustrating, we encourage you to read about our reasoning behind

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Top 5 Best Essential Oils for Pets

Essential oils (often abbreviated EO’s) are a wonderful, natural way to dispel odors and fill our homes with fresh scents but what many people may not realize is that they can also be used therapeutically as well; in fact,

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Best Diet For Dogs & Cats

If you follow us closely here, you know that we personally home-cook our dog’s food each day, and I truly believe that is the Gold Standard of feeding based on my research. However, we realize that not everyone can

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Dogs Are Not Vegetarians

Many of us humans are shifting to vegetarian diets, whether for health reasons or ethical reasons but what about our pets!? Should they be held to the same diet standards as us? Most of us realize that our dogs,

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Bunny’s Buddies Fights the CDC Ban

As many of you know by now, the CDC placed a ban on the importation of rescue dogs from 113 counties starting July 14, 2021, to reduce the risk of rabies. Since 2015, only four dogs imported into the USA have

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Bunny’s Buddies All Things Cancer

This past May, I had to let my soul pup go. Duke had been diagnosed with mast cell cancer and it finally came time for me to say goodbye and release him. I arranged a fluffy blanket under a

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Doggy Spa Day

One of my favorite things ever to do is to groom my dogs. Some people rather have others do it, which sure, that is nice too hehe, but there is something so enjoyable about pampering our pooches! I just

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