As many of you know by now, this week we lost a heartbreaking battle when our 4th dog Pickles passed away from various pathogens that destroyed his body. We only had him just one day from China before we found out he was terminally sick so the whole situation was horrific. We are
Sally is someone we use constantly as a tool for speaking with our dogs as she really is gifted at what she does and has helped us so much, especially this week when faced with such traumatizing events. Every single day, I made sure that she checked in with Pickles to let him know to keep fighting and to remind him how much we loved him. When it came down to having to decide what to do with Pickles not getting better, Sally had to ask him if he wanted to stay in his body. Pickles said he wanted to live but not if his body could not get better. As gut-wrenching as that was to hear, it did guide us in figuring out what was next.
Now that Pickles has passed and a few days have gone by, we wanted to check in with him to let him know what was on our hearts and minds as well as ask him a few unsettled questions we had left. Because so many of you love and adored our Pickles, we wanted to share with you the outcome of our call. We hope that this post heals your heart just a bit and reminds you to always think about What Would Pickles Do? He has truly touched my life in a way nothing and no one ever has. His heart and purpose are so important and powerful, he will forever be a huge part of our life and our work here. I love you so much Pickles.

Questions For Pickles-
- Is he happy? I am free and happy, please know that I am good and love you both so very much. I am so sad that everyone is sad though. I want everyone to be happy, please do not cry. You saved me and showed me what true love was and it was perfect, I was so happy. Meeting you both was truly the very best day of my life.
- Does he know how much we love him? Yes, I knew how much you loved me and I wish I could have stayed longer. I am so grateful and I will always be nearby.
- We did everything possible to keep him here with us, does he know? We spent thousands trying to save him, it’s not about money but I need him to know, to us, his life was priceless. I would have paid anything to keep him here with me. You guys did more than anyone ever would have done. You could not have done anything differently.
- Does he know he saw the ocean? Yes, it was so big with so much space.
- What was his favorite part about our day together? Everything! The whole day was perfect but the best part was meeting us for the first time. He instantly felt like he belonged and was loved. But then he also loved our food, his toys, laying in bed and snuggling.
- Please tell him how sorry I am that humans have failed him his entire life. All I wanted was to be the change his heart needed and I am broken that he was taken from me. Humans were
mean to me but it is because they are sad in their heart. His purpose is to hopefully inspire change and love for all animals, plants and each other. The whole world has forgotten about love. - Does he want to
come stay with us in spirit? We laid out his dog bed with some toys for him 🙁 Leave a toy out for me by the bed and I will visit you in the night. I will always be watching over you. - How will I know if he comes to visit? If you feel a warmth like
the sun , that is me. - What does he think our purpose together was? To remind people what it means to love all creatures, not just humans but animals and plants as well. I came to you to help with what you are doing, so you can share and love will multiply, that is what is needed.
- Where will he go now? It was unclear to Sally exactly where he is but he seemed very busy with other spirits on some sort of mission. She sees Pickles as an angel that came down to make a big impact and then leave to create a ripple effect.
- Will he ever come back to me in physical form? He said he is not sure, it has not been decided yet.
- Where does he think he got sick at? He is not sure, he thinks that it happened little by little, a little here, a little there and it just added up over time.
- Was he ever left out in the cold? Does he remember being cold? He said he was cold a few times but not to focus on it because it does not matter now. All of his bad times lead him to us.
- When did he start feeling sick? He did not feel sick because he was so happy and excited to be with us. When he got to the vet, he was able to notice how sick he was more.
- I just want to let him know that I am devastated about losing him. My heart feels empty and like I lost my best friend. I feel so connected with him and I just don’t know how to heal from it all. I just am so so so sorry Pickles that I did not get to you sooner. You got to me exactly when you were supposed to. All happened as it was meant to be, please do not think anything differently.
- Why does he think what happened, happened? What did he learn from this all? Pickles wanted to remind me to keep doing what I am doing when you share your love for animals it multiplies and that’s exactly what the World needs. His purpose was to remind humanity to learn to love better. If he would have made it, his story would not have had the same impact on the World.
- Please let Pickles know that THOUSANDS of people around the world were praying for him and hoping he made it. People all over the world see how perfect and deserving of love he is. We are so sorry other humans did not see that perfection but please know that you were always good enough, you were perfect just the way you were and we will continue to love you forever and ever. He said he would love us forever too and always be watching over us.
- How can I continue to carry out his name and life, what is his wish to be remembered by? Just keep doing what you are doing for animals and the World. Just remember that you were the best part of my life there and please don’t cry. Thank you for showing me true love, it was perfect.
No one has a heart like Pickles and it’s a shame we have to now live without him. It really is true, the best ones are usually the first to go. He was so much better than this place, I just hope and pray he is truly happy and at peace. I will do everything in my power to live out his purpose for the rest of my life here. Please consider opening your heart and home to an animal or human in need in honor of your Promise to Pickles.
Thank you Pickles for choosing me as your Mom, I will love you forever and ever my perfect baby and when it’s my time, please be waiting for me.
For Pickles’ Playlist, click here.
February 1, 2019
Katie Zwingman
Where will he go now?
It was unclear to Sally exactly where he is but he seemed very busy with other spirits on some sort of mission.
Can’t stop crying.
I can see Pickles “being on a mission”…….. he’s helping others too. I just know it !!!! He’s helping other puppers just like you do.
My heart always, Amanda.
February 1, 2019
Amanda Jo
Same. I just miss his precious face so damn much. Perfect angel.
February 1, 2019
Karla M
I have a knot in my throat. How can we not cry furry angel – you deserved the world! Watch over your mommy and daddy and brothers always. Rest in heaven sweet furry angel ♥️🐶
February 1, 2019
Dawn I
I can’t stop crying. I’m so sad but also so happy to hear he knew how loved he was. You could see it in his eyes that he was a very special soul. I’m so heartbroken for you guys, but I 100% do think you guys we’re meant to meet Pickles and be bonded and connected forever in a super deep way. Thanks so much for sharing your notes and this journey with us! Sending you and Kyle so much love!!
February 1, 2019
Crying. His messages for you are beautiful and I believe them 100%. I deeply believe in soul contracts and know that yours together was meant to be. Tragic and gut wrenching, but life changing. It is already rippling. Imagine what else will come of it <3 You have the best guardian angel to turn to now.
February 1, 2019
Damn, I shouldn’t have read this at work. Crying like a baby at my desk right now. 😭 I am so happy you were able to ask these questions and get some closure from all this. It’s heartbreaking and beautiful all at the same time. Sending love to you guys. <3
February 1, 2019
Any m
Actual tears. I love and miss you pickles
February 1, 2019
Pickles got me crying uncontrollably. This is the most beautiful thing I have ever read. Pickles affected me in such a way that I can’t describe. When I look at his pictures, it is a path to his soul. I miss Pickled so much. Why do animals have so much love and compassion for others. We humans could learn so much from them. Thank you for this, it brings a little happiness to my heart but I rather have Pickles here with us.
February 1, 2019
Stephanie maher
In tears I loved pickles, happy to hear he’s happy. 💙
February 1, 2019
Tracy Rothang
I am heartbroken. I can’t imagine your pain. I have two rescue dogs also. They mean the world to me. My golden retriever lived in a pretty bad situation, now we shower him with love and affection and his baby sister playmate (our other rescue.) They are not pets, they are Family ❤️❤️
How old was pickles?
February 1, 2019
Amanda Jo
Just 1 🙁
February 1, 2019
He was truly an enlightened being. He knew his purpose, but he wouldn’t have been able to carry out his purpose without you. Sounds like he had a soul contract to amplify your cause! He was working just as you were working, to bring attention to the need of these animals. That is likely why you clicked with him so immediately and deeply, because you both agreed to incarnate and meet each other, to fulfill a mission. How wonderful it is to see a human and a dog have the same deeds and the same purpose. Seeing so much light in all of this. Thank you, pickles, for partnering up with Amanda. Amanda, sending you light and love. Thank you ❤️
February 1, 2019
Abbie Johnson
Sobbing. Such a good boy 🥺 pickles will live on forever
February 1, 2019
Taylar Kaster
I am just bawling reading this. You guys truly showed him what love was, he is such an angel. I’m so so so sorry for the pain you feel. I lost my little girl golden retriever to cancer this past summer and she was my soul mate on every single level. I have never encountered a soul that has changed my life in so many positive ways. Losing her has been the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. I just know that we have a soul contract like you and Pickles have and that we will be reunited again. I am so thankful that you guys were able to show Pickles what love was even if it was for such a short amount of time. He is the butterfly effect that we all need to love harder and be kind to all things. Praying that things will start to look up again for you guys.
Sending so much love.
February 1, 2019
Omg crying reading this. You were SO loved by everyone baby Pickles! ❤
February 1, 2019
Such an emotional conversation, Pickles baby, you are truly loved and missed by thousands of people. Watch over your family, let them know you are near 💕
February 1, 2019
hey man
for me it was a game changer when I found Rockwall and started investing with them
my passive income started to grow much faster than before
I’m really happy with me results and I’m so excited, because I know my passive income will increase every day (by contrast to fixed salary)
wish you the best man. good luck!
February 1, 2019
Rest In Peace sweet pickles! As sad as it was to have you leave this earth! You knew you were loved and how important their work is! I truly believe he will be with you both always and watch over this wonderful mission you’ve set out on! Losing a loved one is never easy! I hope you know how wonderful you both are and how I so wish the rest of the world could be as loving, dedicated, and compassionate as you and Kyle are! Much love always
February 1, 2019
Alicia Levin
This is so perfect and sort of what I expected. As things were unfolding, I had intuition that it was all for a bigger purpose because the work you’re doing is already so important and this experience with Pickles seemed to somehow make that larger and more meaningful for everyone who was observing it.
Even though it was so incredibly painful for you and your family, it’s good to have this reassurance that it wasn’t a waste, that out of this sorrow and trauma, a collective healing was taking place.
My compassion for you guys goes deep, so I really hope that you’ll be able to find peace and harmony after some time has passed. I know that’s what Pickles wants for you and so do all of us who can see the value in your work for this planet Amanda, and your HUGE heart.
Just like Pickles, you have a big mission and you’re already achieving it. I just hope it doesn’t come at the expense of your own well-being. That’s not in God’s plan for you and it’s not what Pickles would have wanted. So please, keep doing your good work, but also make sure that you’re looking after yourself and asking for emotional support when you need it.
Thank you for sharing the outcome of this call with us. It brings me so much peace to know that when dogs pass, all of the suffering they’ve experienced in this life goes away and that only pure love and joy is left.
Sending all my love, light and gratitude to you. Thank you for being a brave warrior for animals and setting a shining example for humanity to follow.
February 1, 2019
Gabby Muse
Yup, crying! God bless you guys for what you do. ❤️ RIP Pickles. I feel the ripple of love!
February 1, 2019
Claudia gonzalez
I can not stop crying!!!! My family has has to put two of our dogs down due to failing health and major complications. It was the hardest descision of our lives. I feel you pain. Forward 8 years and I literally think our boys have been reincarnated with two rescues we have now! I have no doubt Pickles will come back to you! Stay strong and enjoy his beautiful memory. You have not been alone thru this journey. Many people were praying for him. May he finally fly free and most of all healthy !